During the past few days TRS leader Shravan has been going hammer and tongs on Power Star Pawan Kalyan and his latest release ‘Cameraman Gangato Rambabu’ directed by Puri Jagannath. He supported goons and other unsocial elements which went on rampage damaging properties, burning reels and what not. He even after the film makers tendered their apologies and cut 12 scenes, is demanding for total ban on the film.
But those who know Shravan’s past will be bemused by his antics to gain importance and curry favors with his chief KCR. It was Power Star Pawan Kalyan who using his influence got him MLA ticket during last elections. He went on to contest secunderabad constituency on PRP ticket. Later he jumped to TRS party.
Even when in TRS, during the release of Pawan’s film ‘Teen Maar’ he was seen moving closely with Pawan Kalyan. During that time Shravan broke down emotionally saying he will be always thankful to Pawan Kalyan by getting him recognition for a novice like him. Now he is gunning for Pawan himself who has given him life of public importance. Everyone knows for what and whom Shravan is doing all these antics.