Amidst the chaotic situation in Andhra Pradesh over Special Status, the Telangana state also wants to start it off but for another reason and that is Special Package. The Telangana Rastra Samithi party has chalked a plan to get Special package and has been doing a lot of ground work for it. TRS leader Jithender Reddy said that his party leaders have been meeting the Central leaders regarding the same.
Jithender Reddy said that the leaders have also met Union Finance Minister seeking to implement the promises promised to Andhra Pradesh for Telangana too. It is said that even KCR discussed about it with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the recent meeting.
The main behind this special package is to boast about it if the Centre grants it, or else blame the opposition parties like TDP which will object the idea as Telangana is a surplus state. So, what do you think? Will Centre consider Telangana’s special package plea?