Other day, ace producer Allu Arvind once again triggered a hornet’s nest in media circles with his comments. Speaking at the pre-release event of Allu Arjun’s Naa Peru Surya, he claimed that a conspiracy being wielded on his son’s film by some forces.
Arvind revealed that the few tough decisions taken by them in the recent times have now made some forces wage a proxy war against them. “They will surely spread mixed talk about the film and its a conspiracy unleashed by those forces. Fans will anyway encourage a film if it is good no matter what the talk is”, he said. However, he added, “Bunny you don’t know about them, I’ll reveal more details to you later”.
One wonders what is that conspiracy Bunny doesn’t know but Arvind only knows? Is he indicating that those TV channels that are banned by Tollywood biggies will now write negative reviews about Naa Peru Surya? If Arvind is worrying about then he need not worry. Because even when DJ Duvvada Jagannadham got mixed reviews from critics, the film did well and made 76+ crores share from the box office.
Otherwise, one wonders what sort of conspiracy is being targeted at Naa Peru Surya.