Icon Staar Allu Arjun is currently busy with his ongoing big budget action drama project Pushpa which is being mounted on a big scale. The project is in the final leg of production now and it marks the actor’s debut in the pan-India market. Now, coming to the topic, Telangana Road Transportation Commission (TSRTC) is set to send legal notice to Allu Arjun very soon for featuring in an ad that shows TSRTS in poor light.
“Sri. V.C. Sajjanar, IPS, Managing Director of TSRTC, has taken serious exception to a Rapido advertisement that features Tollywood actor Allu Arjun. In the advertisement that is being aired on YouTube, the actor is seen telling people that RTC buses take more time like ordinary dosas while Rapido would be so fast and safe that it would prepare masala dosa in the same time.”
“The advertisement has drawn flak from a host of people, including RTC commuters, admirers and our own and retired employees. They are condemning the negative manner in which RTC bus has been shown in comparison to Rapido service. Demeaning TSRTC will neither be tolerated by the TSRTC management nor by the commuters, admirers and our own and retired employees.”
“TSRTC MD also stated that TSRTC was in the service of the common man and it will send legal notice to the actor and to the firm which is promoting the advertisement. Further, MD requested all the Actors, Celebrities and eminent personalities who are in a position to influence public opinion to desist from promoting content which is detrimental to public transportation and the public good.” The media release from TSRTC read.
Well, Allu Arjun is one of the socially conscious actors in Telugu cinema and we can expect him to come up with a well-mannered reply to TRSTC’s notice. Also, we can expect him to refrain from promoting such content in the days to follow. But as of now, Allu Arjun is yet to react to the notice from TSRTC for now. More details in this regard are expected to be out very soon. Now, TSRTC’s media release is going viral on social media.