Salman khan earlier took to his social media and appealed everyone to disregard any news about casting requirement for his production house. He himself admonished the baseless rumours and said that some miscreants have targeted to misrepresent his production house.
In this regard an incident occurred where soap opera entertainer Aansh Arora has documented a complaint at Mumbai’s Oshiwara Police Station against a fraud attempting to hoodwink him on behalf of Salman Khan Films (SKF). The grievance was held up on Friday. On March 1, an impersonator, identified as Shruti, connected with Aansh representing herself as a casting director of Salman’s production house.
Shruti educated the actor that she spearheads the casting requirements at Salman Khan Films” and said that they were searching for a “well known television face to depict a key role” in a film titled “Ek Tha Tiger 3” He said they wanted to audition him for a main antagonist role, which has grey shades.
She gave a summary concisely about the character and story also,” Aansh reported. The actor further uncovered that he was approached to visit their office for a small gathering and tryout in the presence of director Prabhu Deva on March 3rd. Notwithstanding, Shruti later dropped the meeting saying that the director was preoccupied, and furthermore notifed Aansh that he had been shortlisted for the negative role based on his profile and videos.
When questioned to shed more light regarding the role he was offered, Aansh disclosed his conversations with the impostor and said that it is the role of the “main antagonist who is also the wrestler”, which undisputedly is a fake opportunity.