With all the ways closing down for sacked TV9 CEO Ravi Prakash, he has now approached the Supreme Court for anticipatory bail. Ravi Prakash is facing three cases against filed by Alandha Media groups which have bought a major stake in TV9. Forgery, data theft and row over TV9 logo are the cases against Ravi Prakash.
The Cyber-Crime Police are in hunt of Ravi Prakash who was in absconding since the start of May month. On multiple occasions, the police have served notices to Ravi Prakash and as he was not responding, they have issued Look-out notice. In this gap, Ravi Prakash has applied for anticipatory bail at the Telangana High Court but the court denied Ravi Prakash advanced bail.
Along with Ravi Prakash, actor Sivaji has also applied for anticipatory bail. In the bail petition, Ravi Prakash claimed that the cases filed against him are false and the court should consider his plea and issue anticipatory bail. Advocate Ahulwalia will be arguing before the court on behalf of Ravi Prakash