In an unexpected twist in Kodela Siva Prasad Rao’s death, his nephew Sai has accused Kodela’s son Sivaram behind this untimely demise and disclosed interesting details.
In a letter to Guntur police, Sai mentioned that Kodela Siva Prasad is being harassed by his elder son Sivaram. ‘Last month in August, I received calls from my uncle that Sivaram is harassing him. Sivaram reportedly pressured Kodela Siva Prasad to sign the documents of all the properties under his name else, he threatened of severe consequences. I personally met Kodela four times and later tried to warn Sivaram but he did not bother about it,’ said Sai.
Also he added that he has many doubts on Kodela’s death. ‘Sivaram might have killed my uncle Kodela and it is being pictured as suicide. So I request you to investigate this case thoroughly and reveal the facts to the public,’ stated Sai. He also disclosed the phone number from which Kodela Siva Prasad had called him.
On the contrary, Kodela’s daughter Vijayalakhmi claimed that she spotted her dad hanging to the fan and she informed driver and gun-man and immediately rushed him to hospital.
On the other hand, Hyderabad commissioner of police said they are probing Kodela’s death in every angle.