In what can be a major political twist, former CBI Joint Director VV Lakshminaryana, who is supposed to float his own political party, has dropped his plan and is likely to join Lok Satta Party founded by Jayaprakash Narayan. Lakshminarayana is rumoured to be the new president of Lok Satta Party and its founder president Jayaprakash Narayan would be an adviser to Lakshminarayana.
Although Lakshminarayana had mulled over starting a new political party and even the names like Vande Mataram Party and Jana Dhwani Party were heard, Lakshminarayana has decided to join Lok Satta Party as it is existing party. Lakshminarayana wants to head Lok Satta and thus want to take the party into masses. Since both Jayaprakash Narayan and Lakshminarayana’s ideologies are matching and are in sync, Lakshminarayana wants to join Lok Satta and lead the party from the front. A formal announcement would be made today.
Lakshminarayana’s entry would certainly bring boost to Lok Satta. He has already toured around the villages from Chittoor to Srikakulam and interacted with farmers, students and several sections of the society and understood the ground-reality.
Lok Satta Party is the only political party in the entire country that has organizational elections in non-partisan way. The party president and its office bearers would be elected by the party’s workers, leaders through a secret ballot. Jayaprakash Narayan, a former IAS officer, who had voluntarily quit his job to serve the people had started Lok Satta Movement in 1996. He later started Lok Satta Party on 2nd October 2006. JP was elected as Kukatpally legislator in 2009 from the party.
By giving way to Lakshminarayana, a former IPS officer, JP is setting a new precedent in Indian politics that predominantly endorses dynasty politics.