Telugu film industry and its audience is gearing up to witness its first 3D film this summer. Two 3D movies will be hitting the screens this summer. They are Allari Naresh’s Action and Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s Om. Both the movie had completed their shooting activities and are currently in post production. Interestingly both the movie are directed by debutants. Anil Sunkara who is wielding megaphone for Action is a producer earlier. And Sunil Kumar Reddy who is directing OM earlier is a cinematographer.
However, things will not be easy for these movies at the box office. They will have to compete with Venkatesh’s Shadow, NTR’s Baadshah, Nagarjuna’s Greekuveerudu and Allu Arjun’s Iddarammayilatho at the box office as all of them are lined for summer release. Also there are IPL matches which will cause considerable damages to movie collections.