Puri Jagannadh who has introduced many heroines to the film industry is all set to bring Bollywood beauty Amyra Dastur to Telugu cinema with his upcoming movie Rogue. Puri is launching producer CR Manohar’s son Ishaan with Rogue which is going to be a bilingual film made in Telugu and Kannada simultaneously. Along with Amyra Dastur, Spanish beauty Angela Krislinzki also will play one of the female leads in Rogue. With two sexy ladies on board this Rogue is sure going to be an eye feast for glamour lovers.
Puri’s Loafer is wrapped up and is set for release in December. Rogue shooting will start shortly and Jagan as usual is going to finish it off in a flash. Rogue will be ready for release by April/May. He has plans to make a movie with Mahesh Babu but it will take a while as Mahesh is going to be busy for over a year with his proposed high budget film under Murugadoss’s direction. Of late Puri is not waiting for the dates of star heroes and is keeping himself busy by doing movies with youngsters.