Chandrababu Naidu has called on his Karnataka counterpart Siddaramaiah on Monday in Bangalore. The Chief Ministers of neighbouring states not just confined to exchange of smiles, but they also exchanged special gifts to one another. While, Chandrababu presented Siddaramaiah with an image of an idol from Tirupati, Siddaramaiah placed a traditional Mysore turban on Naidu’s head.
Meanwhile, both Naidu and Siddaramaiha said to have discussed over the modernisation of the irrigation canals of the Tungabhadra reportedly to put an end to the loss of 30 tmcs of water. AP has already completed modernisation of the 80-km stretch of the canal that runs in its area, whereas Karnataka is yet to upgrade the remaining 115- km long stretch in its territory, causing silting of the dam and canals and loss of around 30 tmc ft water through leaks.
Although both Naidu and Siddaramaiah said to have ‘decided’ to knock the doors of Tunghabadra Water Board, Siddaramiah wants to take it up with technical sub-committee prior to approaching Tungabhadra board.