The internet is nearly breaking after Deepika Padukone posted a new picture with South beauty Nithya Menen. During her upcoming film, Chhapaak promotions, Deepika Padukone is seen posing with prominent personalities like Nithya Menen and in another picture with Sonali Kulkarni. One more picture shows the tall beauty Deepika posing with actor Sonam Bajwa.
However, Deepika’s most memorable picture with Nithya Menen grabbed huge attention as she wrote, ”For those of you who didn’t know (I didn’t either until her big reveal!) not only are we from the same city, we are also from the same college!!! Thank You @nithyamenen for your love & warmth”.
It is indeed surprising to know that the two gorgeous ladies in one frame come from the same hometown and college. Nithya Menen looked royal wearing a trouser and blazer while Deepika looked ethereal in floral printed pants and overcoat. Both ladies made a style statement with their gorgeous attires.
The picture has instantly been liked and shared by an umpteenth number of fans and we too cannot take our eyes off this lovely picture. Moreover, the smiles in the picture are downright melting our hearts!