Each Ugadi, there will be a huge curiosity about the Ugadi Panchangam. But this time, in view of the upcoming general elections next year, all eyes were on the Vilambi Nama Samvatsara Panchangam. As expected, the Panchangam narrators gave their panchanga sravanam a total political colour.
The panchanga sravanam changed depending on the political party the narrators recited. Telangana government’s official panchanga narrator Santhosh Sharma predicted that KCR will have a golden period ahead and that 5, 6 ministers in his cabinet may lose their posts in the next term.
On the other hand, Tirumala Sastri, who was invited by the Telangana Congress party, said that Congress is the only party which looks promising amongst all other parties this year. He further predicted that PCC Chief Uttam Kumar will have good days after October.
Coming to the TDP, Sravan Kumar narrated the party’s future at the TDP Bhavan. He predicted that the T-TDP will get strengthened in Telangana in near future and that the party will be part of the upcoming government after the 2019 general elections. Meanwhile in Guntur’s TDP office, Anjaneya Sastri said that Chandrababu Naidu’s fortunes look quite strong this year and that he will win big in the next elections.
Finally, Ramakrishna Sharma, who read out the YSRCP’s future, predicted that Jagan will take oath as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh in May, 2019. He went on to predict that the YSRCP will win 135 seats in the next elections and that YS Jagan will continue as AP CM for the next 12 years 8 months and 18 days. Ramakrishna Sharma even vowed to quit panchanga sravanam if his prediction for YSRCP goes wrong.