Former MP Undavalli Arun Kumar who predicted YSRCP victory and wanted YS Jagan as the next CM, has now changed tunes. He is estimating that TDP could surprise everyone with a good majority and then Undavalli analyzed the factors that pushed people to prefer Telugu Desam.
As per Undavalli, the initiative ‘Pasupu-Kunkuma’ played a key role and with AP CM Chandrababu Naidu giving a promise that his government would credit the full amount of Rs 10,000/- in the next term, has not only led women but also their family members to vote for TDP. Then the ex-Rajahmundry MP said, there is an improvement in YS Jagan compared to 2014.
In the last five years, Jagan matured as a politician. “He climbed the ladder but did not go down. Moreover last time, TDP had the support of BJP and Pawan Kalyan. But this time, it is not the similar situation. So in all likely Jagan has the upper hand over Chandrababu.”
Somehow Undavalli is convinced that ‘Pasupu-Kunkuma’ changed the mind of voters and May 23rd will be the date to know how it influenced people.