Chandrababu Naidu, who is usually calm and composed, has breathed fire on BJP MLA Penmetsa Vishnu Kumar Raju. When Vishnu Kumar Raju cracked satires on black shirts, dresses worn by TDP MLAs including CM Chandrababu Naidu as a mark of protest against the Centre for not according Special Category Status, CM Chandrababu Naidu has come down heavily on Vishnu.
Vishnu had earlier spoken in the house and claimed that he had less political experience. He however said he had witnessed several political dramas in the last few years taking pot shots at CBN. Vishnu also criticized Chandrababu for “changing colours” indicating at their black dresses. He had also criticized Naidu for joining hands with Congress against which NTR had founded TDP.
Responding to Vishnu’s comments, an emotional and angry Chandrababu said, “You have no right to be a people’s representative. My blood is boiling against the injustice meted out to Andhra Pradesh by the Centre. As there is no one to ask you (BJP), you’re taking us (AP) for granted. What will you do if I ask? Will you put me in jail? What BJP had given to AP? Compare it with what other states have got? When a new state is carved out, instead of supporting it, you (BJP) is pulling it back.”
Probably in never-seen-before anger and tone, Chandrababu fumed on BJP MLA Vishnu. Naidu said Vishnu is unfit to be the MLA. Naidu also gave a stern warning to BJP MLAs that people of the state won’t let them (BJP MLAs) walk freely on the streets owing to the gross injustice to AP.
While Naidu was venting out his anger, MLA Vishnu Kumar Raju intervened and raised “objection” to Chandrababu’s comments. Chandrababu strong retorted, “Who cares your objection?” Who wants your objection?” Chandrababu said the interests of people is above the interests of individuals and political parties.