Though it took a lot of time to take off the film ‘Bahubali’ has been progressing at a brisk pace. Directed by S S Rajamouli, the film has Prabhas, Daggubati Rana and Anushka in the lead. A long schedule was progressing in Hyderabad at the Ramoji Film City and here is another update.
It is heard that the team will now be heading to Kerala for a new schedule. The dates are being finalized and the interesting part is, the team is planning to have some special elephant fight sequences there. Kerala is famous for its elephants and also for the scenic locales in south India.
Another story is that the Kerala schedule is not about elephant fights but to shoot some very nice songs on the lead pair. Mostly the shooting is expected to take place in the forests of Kerala and due permissions have to be taken.
If the elephant fights are for true then it will be a very unique thing because such sequences have not been shot much in Indian cinema. ‘Bahubali’ is being made in two parts and it is heard that Prabhas has got a double role in this one. Further details will be out soon.