Megastar Chiranjeevi took to social media and announced the good news of him soon becoming a grandfather. He posted a photo of kid Hanuman and wrote, “ith the blessings of Shri Hanuman Ji, we are delighted to share that Upasana & Ram Charan are expecting their first child.”
This amazing news has sent every Mega fan into an extreme state of happiness. It is definitely good news for every person and the entire family is elated about it. Ram Charan and Upasana got married in 2012 and the couple celebrated their 10 year marriage anniversary in June 2022. A decade into their marriage, the couple came up with the big news and this post from Chiranjeevi is getting a lot of likes and congratulatory messages.
After the news came out, an old video of Upasana is going viral. In an interview, she said, “The way we see it, it’s(bringing up a child) a 20-year project. We want to plan it in such a way that we provide our child with everything. We take so very good care of our horses and dogs, so imagine the kind of effort and thought process we put into bringing up our child.”
She added, “It is really important for us. We will have a perfect plan for the same. If we are to bring a new life onto the planet, we sure will plan the very best for it. We will make an announcement when the time comes.”