The shooting part of Manchu Manoj’s ‘Uu kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ is complete and the movie is currently in post production phase. Natasimha Balakrishna is acting in an important role in this movie.The audio release of the movie will take place tomorrow at shilpa Kala Vedhika and movie will hit the screens in late July.
Deekasha Seth will be seen romancing Manoj in this film. Dr Brahmanandam, Sunil, Sai Kumar, Prabu are other casting. Sekhar Raja is debuting as director with this film. Bobo Sasi is providing tunes for the film while Bollywood musical duos Salim-Sulaiman are scoring background music. Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna will also seen in a special role in this movie.
‘Uu kodathara Ulikki Padatara’ will have a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil. Sekhar Raja is debuting as director with this film. This experimental movie is presented by Padmasri Mohan Babu under the banner Manchu Entertainments produced by Lakshmi Prasanna.