Vangaveeti Radha who quit YSR Congress party few days back, has met the party’s Gudivada MLA Kodali Venkateswara Rao alias Nani. This meeting of Radha and Nani was held at Furniture Park at Eluru road. Very close followers who belong Kapu community, of Radha have accompanied him to meet Nani.
Both are heard to have discussed about the latest political developments in Krishna district and also in Vijayawada. However, neither Radha nor Nani spoke to the media after their meeting and left the place quietly. But this meeting has caught everyone’s attention in Vijayawada.
After resigning to YSRCP, Radha lashed out at Jagan and said the party is not treating him appropriately. Keeping this aside why Radha met Nani is something to be noted here. Is Nani negotiating to bring back Radha into YSRCP’s fold or Nani, himself is planning to leave YSRCP?
These questions seriously need answers.