Apart from Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna’s movies, Thalapathy Vijay’s family entertainer ‘Vaarasudu’ is all set to hit the screens this Sankranti season. Produced by Dil Raju and directed by Vamsi Paidipally, this movie is arriving on 12th January and there are massive expectations on it because of Vijay’s stardom and Dil Raju’s constant comments.
The theatrical trailer arrived a few a while ago and it gives a clear picture of what the movie is all about. The story revolves around a rich family headed by Sarathkumar and Jayasudha. Srikanth plays the role of the eldest son while ‘Kick’ Shyam will be seen as their second son. Vijay is the youngest of the lot. While the two elder brothers stay with their parents and look after the family business, Vijay will be seen traveling across the country and making memories.
Prakash Raj and Suman are playing negative roles. They create problems within the family and they get separated. The hero finds out about this and decides to reunite the entire family and save the company as well. This is the summary of the story as revealed by the trailer. This is the story that the Telugu audience have seen many times over the last few decades.
Paidipally who is often criticized for mixing a few hit films and churning out a story has done the same again. A lot of shot reminds people of movies like ‘Srimanthudu’ and ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ while the basic story is similar to ‘Gautham SSC’. The team of ‘Varisu’ seems to have taken an old story and made it on a big canvas.
A lot of notable actors make their presence felt while it was Vijay who completely dominated the trailer as expected. His fans are expected to enjoy his typical action but we need to see how the regular audience reacts to it. The trailer made it clear that Rashmika’s role is mere eye candy and offers nothing substantial. Thaman fails to make an impact with his music in this trailer. With a routine story as the base, we need to wait and see how ‘Vaarasudu’ manages to impress people. Will Vijay’s superstardom be enough for the movie to enter the safe zone?
Vamshi Paidipally along with Hari and Ashishor Solomon wrote the story. Karthick Palani is taking care of the cinematography, wherein KL Praveen is the editor. Sri Harshith Reddy and Sri Hanshitha are the co-producers of the film. Sunil Babu & Vaishnavi Reddy are the production designers. Prabhu, Sarath Kumar, Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Srikanth, Shaam, Yogi Babu, Sangeetha and Samyuktha are the prominent cast of ‘Vaarasudu’.