More than a maverick filmmaker, Ram Gopal Varma should be termed as an intelligent publicist who knows how to promote his films. Initially, this filmmaker revealed that his latest documentary film “God Sex and Truth” will be released for free on video sharing platform Vimeo. Here is the latest twist.
When the question of copyrights case popped up as a writer accused Varma of copying his GST and making it into a film, the director told that he’s not making any money on this documentary, so there is no question of copyright. But latest update is that the film could be seen online only if you are willing to spend ₹ 150 for the ticket.
Featuring adult performer Mia Malkova in the leading role, Varma is vehemently promoting this film from the last couple of weeks by making sure that there will be regular debates on TV channels about this film. But all this while he kept saying that this is an educational film aimed to create some awareness and will be released free.
But changing ideas and changing his words is always a known thing when it comes to Varma, isn’t it?