Sometime back when Ram Gopal Varma was still reckoned as a big director, he went and met the wife of Veerappan and announced that he would make a movie on the life of the slain smuggler.
Naturally, there was a lot of excitement then for people felt it would be a different movie with Varma’s touch. Since then, Varma has been talking about the project frequently although it hasn’t gone on floors.
Even recently, he spoke about the project and said he would start the movie soon. But in the meantime, there have been various movies in Tamil such as ‘Vana Yuddham’ made on Veerappan and they were also dubbed into Telugu.
Even action king Arjun acted in a movie based on similar lines. And now, there is another movie on the same theme ready for release in Tamil and Telugu.
At this rate, even if Varma does make a movie on Veerapan, all novelty in the project would have been lost.