Maverick film maker Ram Gopal Varma has the habit of troubling film stars with his tweets. In Tollywood, he had to bear the brunt of fans of mega family with his irritating comments against Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan on twitter.The other day, he tweeted that Pawan Kalyan’s fans were illiterates, evoking sharp reaction from them. He also created rift between fans of Mahesh Babu and Pawan Kalyan, by belittling the latter compared to the Prince.
Of late, he has started focussing on Bollywood heroes by making similar controversial comments on twitter.He is trying to create rift between Sharukh Khan and Salman Khan, saying that Sharukh does not deserve to be called no. 1 hero.He has tweeted that compared to Sharukh, Salman has higher success rate of films making huge revenues. So, Salman should be No. 1, he argued.
Surprisingly, Ramu has also been targeting Tamil heroes. He tried to draw comparison between Kamal Haasan and Rajnikanth, saying Kamal has lost his place in doing experimental characters and conceded his ground to Rajini.God only knows why Ramu is trying to be so judgemental these days.