Ram Gopal Varma doesn’t mind testing the patience of Mega Fans once in a while with his sarcastic comments on the Mega Family. Today, The Controversial Filmmaker took to his social media handle in inform about seeing Allu Bobby who is the eldest son of Allu Aravind. Fans wouldn’t have been worried much had if RGV ended there itself!
Varma claimed to be shocked about the fact that Allu Bobby wasn’t introduced to the screen so far. He added, ‘I frankly think he looked more of a man than any other man in the whole of the Mega Stylish Power Family..Why???’.
As expected, Mega Fans began trolling Ram Gopal Varma. A Netizen advised Varma to release Lakshmi’s NTR in AP before placing such senseless tweets. Another Follower opined Allu Bobby might have decided to stay away from Cinema upon watching the heroes in the films directed by RGV. Some people opined Varma might have placed the above tweet in the early hours upon getting drunk.
Apparently, Allu Bobby isn’t interested in facing the camera. Instead, He wishes to introduce his Son as a hero in the next few years.