Wedding Bells are ringing at the house of actor Varun Sandesh. The Happy Days star will be tying the knot soon. And the bride-to-be in question is none other than his girlfriend and co-star Vithika Sheru with whom he paired up with in Paddanandi Premalo Mari. Though the film didn’t fare well at the Box Office, the cupid which struck between actors on the sets became strong and steady since then.
Varun and Vithika are in very much love but haven’t made it public yet. The love couple wants to keep it low-profile and hence keeping the news under wraps. Recently, the duo expressed their love for one another to their respective families who were positive about their relationship. It’s learnt that the parents of both families met recently and things are moving forward.
However, we hear that it’d take time for the couple to tie the knot. The engagement ceremony will be made in a month.