Although Varun Tej signed a movie with director Gopichand Malineni last year, the young mega hero has changed his plans. Instead of going ahead with Malineni, he has given his immediate call sheets to the director Krish who gave him his first hit with “Kanche.”
Announcing his decision, he tweeted that his next film is Krish’s “Raaybari.” The movie is a spy thriller with a whopping budget of Rs 20 Cr and is likely to be shot extensively in Georgia and other European countries. Krish is repeating the same lead pair of Kanche – Varun and Pragya in this film.
Varun Tej’s decision has landed Gopichand Malineni in soup. His last movie “Pandaga Chesuko” was released in last May and since then he has been waiting to start the next. Varun Tej has become ideal hero for small budgeted makers as his last three movies raked in about Rs 10 Cr each.