Mega Scion, Mega Brother Naga Babu’s Son, Varun Tej is all set to make his filmy debut with Mukunda which is slated for release on December 24th. The Song Teasers and trailer of the movie is released on the occasion of the audio release event of the movie on Wednesday. However the first impression on Varun Tej from the teasers seem to be not positive from acting point of view. Varun Tej looks extremely handsome with lanky frame.
But his body language is not at ease and he is struggling to dance swiftly due to his height. Also the young man is seem to be using only one serious expression through out which indicates that it is not easy for him to impress the audience. For some reason, there is no dialogue of the actor in the theatrical trailer, he can be rated further by listening to it. However seeing the teasers released so far, Mega fans are disappointed at least for now.
One of the Senior Mega Fan, Satish was saying, ” He is definitely handsome but thats not enough. He seem to be Tarak Ratna of Mega Family. Sai Dharam Tej is more star material than him. I will only hope he proves me wrong. Or else he will fail to sustain like Allu Sirish”. Mukunda is slated for December 24th release. The movie was sold for 18 Crore across the World. It has to collect a minimum of 19 Crore to be called a hit.