Lakshmi Manchu’s new show ‘Feet Up with the Stars’ which had been streaming on Voot from Sept 23 reveals celebrities’ personal life, secrets and many hidden stories happening in their lives. The latest guest Varun Tej spilt out his romantic love life and spoke about his first kiss experience.
The tall and handsome said that he got his first kiss from a girl when he was in the 10th grade.”It was in 10th grade and I was only 14 years old. It was not exactly a kiss, but something more than a peck. Just touching and go moment. I have a bad memory. I vaguely remember it,” he said while blushing on his first kiss.
His latest hit Gaddalakonda Ganesh is wooing audience right now and his female fan-following has been increasing with every passing day. When Lakshmi asked about a memorable fan moment, the actor said: “When I went to a club with friends in Hyderabad, an unknown girl came and hugged me from behind. I thought one of my friends hugged and continued dancing until I spotted my friends before me. When I turned around to see who was hugging me, it was a girl. As soon as I turned around, she kissed me on my cheek and ran away. I freaked out a little. I was too tall for her to reach. That moment scared me a little bit.”
When asked about how many girls have proposed to him so far, Varun Tej said: “People are always in a misconception that an actor would get a countless number of proposals. That’s not true. I suppose I didn’t leave much scope. I haven’t received a lot of proposals in my life.”
Later, when Lakshmi Manchu asked if he had any girl in life who touched his heart with a lovely or impressive gesture. The actor said, “Back in my college days, a girl surprised me for my birthday. She was then working in another city. That was a nice moment for me. Though I find many such moments later in life, that particular incident was the best.”