Akhil’s has launched a guessing game. With his latest tweet, he kept Tollywood in guessing. A poster of new film “Veedevadu” hiding the identity of the film’s protagonist is shared by Akhil on his Twitter page.
Akhil wrote, “#Veedevadu?? Take a guess who ?? Hint: He’s my team mate….. wishing my buddy all the very best! Rock on Releasing this summer – April 2017”
And as one can expect, comments have poured in. While a few Akkineni fans said it could be Naga Chaitanya as his new film was launched today, a few started making random guesses like Nara Rohit, Prabhas, Sampoo and etc.
To find who is it in the poster, one has to wait till Feb 14. Really? It’s buzzed that it could be Nithiin from his new film being directed by Hanu Raghavapudi and produced by 14 Reels Entertainment. Arjun will be playing the role of baddie in the film. Let’s wait for an official announcement.