Former MP from Amalapuram G V Harsh Kumar on Tuesday accused both the Congress and BJP of being responsible for bifurcation of the State in such a manner which caused great damage to Andhra Pradesh. Dubbing Union minister for urban development M.
Venkaiah Naidu as a joker and broker, Harsha Kumar lashed out at Venkaiah Naidu for not working honestly for the cause of development of AP State.
He suggested to the Congress to paralyse proceedings during in Parliament budget session in order to bring pressure on the Centre to implement the provisions that were mentioned in the AP Reorganisation Act for the development of the State.
He alleged that AP Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu always worked against the interests of toiling farmers in the State. Harsha Kumar felt the Congress should have avoided contesting in the Tirupati byelection.
He blamed both the Congress and BJP for the present crisis in the State after bifurcation.