Hero Venkatesh will be celebrating with friends and family this Sunday as he is getting his elder daughter Aashritha married to businessman Vinayak Reddy on this Sunday, with whom she got engaged already. And there is a Rajamouli connect to this.
Either for security reasons or to avoid some necessary attendance at weddings, these days many celebs are heading to far away destinations when it comes to their wedding. Anushka Sharma got married in Italy, Samantha tied the knot in Goa and Rajamouli’s son did that in Jaipur. And now it looks like Venky also picked the same spot.
Not just Jaipur alone, but Venky’s daughter is going to get married at the same palace-like venue, Hotel Fairmont if our sources are to be believed. With only a few guests invited, Daggubati family is going to raise the toast at the Mughal style palace, with their close friends and relatives.
Back then, Rajamouli is said to have picked up this venue owing to his Baahubalian taste and now Venky followed the suit it looks like.