Bollywood actor Aditya Pancholi who appeared as villain in Venky starrer Shadow movie was arrested by the Mumbai Police after he allegedly assaulted a bouncer at a night club of a five-star hotel in mumbai.
According to the police, it all started after the actor had a tiff with the DJ over the songs that were playing at the club. The actor asked the DJ to play the hindi songs instead of English albums for which the latter reluctant to do it.
Aditya got into a heated argument with the DJ after his request for playing Hindi songs was turned down. He reportedly started hurling abuses after which bouncers at the nightclub intervened.
The club’s bouncers intervened to escort Aditya outside, but the actor attacked the bouncers and one of the them even got his head injured.
Police arrested aditya and booked him under relevant sections.He will be produced in a court later today. Last year Aditya Pancholi’s son, Sooraj, has been charged with abetment to suicide in the Jiah Khan case.