Actor Venkatesh’s eldest daughter Ashritha Daggubati is foraying into biscuit business. Ashritha has honed her culinary skills by doing a professional course and finally became a baker. The latest is that she decided to take her interest forward and she is soon going to start her cookies business. Apparently, she is manufacturing cookies with the help of a few and is now planning to sell them to people and retail outlets.
To start with, she is now keeping stalls in their Studio – Ramanaidu Studios – which will be kept open for public. Interested people can buy them there or place order (for large quantities). It is learnt that Ashritha has big plans to expand her business with the help of her doting father Venkatesh who is said to be supporting her a lot. In fact, Venky encouraged his second daughter Hayavahini to be an athlete. While his third daughter Bhavana is pursuing studies, his youngest child Arjun Ramnath, who is in school, is active in cricket and is expected to continue the acting lineage of Venky.
Meanwhile, Ashritha has been passionate about food, travel. Following her heart, she updates her Instagram account often with food and travel photos from across the world. Earlier, her cousin Rana had shared updates about her and asked his fans to follow her.