Amid wide-spread rumours that comedian Venu Madhav is unwell, the actor-politician from Telangana clarified that his health condition is ‘good’ and need not be ‘worried’. Juggling both acting and politics, Venu is playing active role in Telangana TDP. Although career front, he is going through difficult phase, Venu boasts up confidence that he’d make comeback very soon. ‘Currently, I’m doing good roles in four films. I’m sure that I’ll be back with a bang,’ said Venu.
Meanwhile, rumour mill is abuzz that Venu himself is responsible for his present ‘downfall’. Reportedly, he spoiled his chances by playing tantrums on the shooting sets during his heydays as he had often turned up late for the shoots and even passed several commanding statements which said to have backfired pushing him into troubles.
However, that phase is passe and now Venu is keen to become busy in films yet again.