Veteran director Kodanda Rami Reddy who directed several blockbuster films with Chiranjeevi in the past, retired many years ago. The comments he made at a Public event about Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film created a huge uproar in media. Back then, he said people would laugh if Chiranjeevi goes on saying he would do something for farmers in the film.
“It was not intentional. All I wanted to say that a comedy and romantic entertainer will work for him rather than a message oriented film. But the comment was blown out of proportion by the media which made me feel bad. I have very good relation with Mega family and I personally apologize Chiranjeevi garu, VV Vinayak and Ramcharan for my words. All the best for the whole team,” Kodanda Rami Reddy said.
On the other side, Chiranjeevi’s 150th film, a remake of Tamil blockbuster, Kaththi recently completed its first schedule. The second schedule of the movie will begin from tomorrow in Ramanaidu Studios, Nanakramguda. Non-stop schedules are planned in such away that the movie will release for Sankranthi 2017