Renowned playback singer SP.Balasubrahmanyam donated generously for hudhud victims of Visakhapatnam. He met Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu and donated Rs 5 lakhs towards CM relief fund. Later speaking to scribes requested media not to highlight is donation and belittle his work which he felt is his responsibility as a citizen of the country.
When asked about his association with Visakhapatnam he said he got married in Simhachalam. He said he had fond memories of Visakhapatnam filled full of greenery which was now swallowed by hudhud storm. He hoped that Vizag will get back its lost glory.
On CM Chandra Babu Naidu he said it is fortunate that Andhra Pradesh is having a tech savvy, visionary person as CM. He said CM acted in a proactive manner and minimized losses and said even now he is working 24/7 to help the victims. He said he is apolitical and do not belong to any party but appreciating the sincere efforts of the CM.
When asked in what all possible ways he and Tollywood is planning to help hudhud victims, he said Tollywood is planning to conduct shows, sports, musical nites to help the victims but as a person he felt it shouldn’t be conducted in Vizag as they lost everything. He said these events should be conducted in places where people can contribute and help the victims.