The first look trailer of Gunasekhar’s ‘Rudramadevi’ was screened today for the Tollywood media. Anushka Shetty looked elegant and Allu Arjun appeared energetic as Gona Ganna Reddy in the trailer. Especially, Allu Arjun’s ‘Nenu Telugu Baasha Lekka… Aada Unta…Eeda Unta..” dialogue was superb.
Jayanan Vincent’s cinematography and ‘Maestro’ Ilayaraja’s BGM made the trailer look even more special. Though Gunasekhar said that this film is going to be a milestone in Telugu Cinema, there were no takers for the film, as most of the buyers were scared of the director’s past record.
However, this first look trailer looked very interesting and majority of the people who witnessed the trailer said that Gunasekhar is definitely going to score a hit the box-office this time.