Known for his gritty and intense movies, popular Tamil director Vetrimaaran is regarded as one of the best in Kollywood. He developed a cult following over the years with his unique movies. He makes movies that are not mainstream and prefers to make movies in his own style like ‘Visaranai’, ‘Asuran’, ‘Vada Chennai’, ‘Aadukulam’, ‘Polladhavan’ and many more. His recent outing ‘Viduthalai Part 1’ is being regarded as one of his best works. Geetha Arts have bought the Telugu dubbing rights and are releasing it on 15th April as ‘Vidudhala Part 1’.
Soori who is a comedian played the lead role in this serious movie while Vijay Sethupathi did a very crucial role. This period drama revolves around the hierarchy in the police department and what steps they take in their fight against Naxalites and terrorists. Vetrimaaran made it as intense and emotional as possible. Vetrimaaran is known for showing the difficulties of backward sections in society and he did the same in ‘Vidudhala Part 1’ as well.
The Telugu trailer has been released and it looks like the dubbing team did a very good job in translating the soul of this movie from Tamil to Telugu. Soori will be seen as a constable who doesn’t get a chance to prove his worth in the department while Vijay Sethupathi is a revolutionary. The police start Operation Ghost Hunt to catch him and even torture the local women which Soori opposes. The hard-hitting dialogues and scenes are sure to touch your heart.
Ilayaraja composed the music for this film while Elred Kumar is the producer. Released by Geetha Arts in Telugu, Velraj is the cinematographer while Ramar is the editor. Stun Siva and Peter Hein composed the fights while Jeyamohan penned the story. Let us see if this intense and emotional drama hits the right chord with the Telugu audience or not.