Young actor Vijay Devarakonda has been on cloud nine after his recent outing Arjun Reddy turned out to be a massive blockbuster. The actor has been loud and dominating during his recent interviews which did not go well with many.
He recently joined twitter with the name @DVijaySai. Now the actor replaced his account name with @TheDeverakonda saying that @DvijaySai reminds him of his text books in school.
The actor even said that he is an actor now and can call himself with the name. His tweet reads ‘@TheDeverakonda replaces @DVijaySai. DVijaySai reminds me of my text books in school. Am an actor now. Can cal myself whateverthefck I want‘. Some of them replied saying Vijay Devarakonda has been making too much noise after a blockbuster.
However his supporters left the actor in praises for his bold comments. Vijay Devarakonda is all set to start shooting for his next in the direction of Parasuram which will be bankrolled by Geetha Arts.