Following the success of “Khushi,” young Telugu actor Vijay Deverakonda is reuniting with director Parasuram Petla for a family drama titled “Family Star.” Produced by Dil Raju, the film is slated for release on April 5, 2024, and has generated significant anticipation among fans.
Mrunal Thakur takes on the female lead role in “Family Star,” and the recently released glimpse of the film has garnered considerable excitement. The first song, “Nandanandanaa,” received a positive response, with its catchy hook step inspiring numerous social media reels.
As the release date approaches, the makers are preparing to unveil the second single, “Kalyani Vaccha Vachaa.” Teasing the song’s release, the official film account stated, “The wedding season is here and it calls for a new charbuster addition to the wedding playlist.” The accompanying poster hints at a romantic track, showcasing Vijay and Mrunal adorned in regal attire and gazing into each other’s eyes.
Adding to the excitement, reports suggest a cameo appearance by actress Rashmika Mandanna in the upcoming song. Fans are particularly thrilled at the prospect of seeing the on-screen reunion of the “Geetha Govindam” duo, Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna.
The lyrical video for “Kalyani Vaccha Vachaa” is set to be released on March 12, 2024, further amplifying the pre-release buzz. Music for the film is composed by Gopi Sundar, while the technical crew comprises AS Prakash as the art director, KU Mohanan as the cinematographer, and Marthand K Venkatesh as the editor.
With “Family Star” enjoying a solo release on April 5, 2024, all eyes are on Vijay Deverakonda as he seeks to deliver a much-awaited commercial success.