Vijay Deverakonda, who became youth icon in no time and won many fans for his on-screen and off-screen mannerisms, has also gathered good number of anti-fans. And the result is that he is being trolled heavily. Especially, the anti-fans are targeting his every movie, public activity. While his recent films turned out to be debacles at the Box Office have added to this whole as this gave boost to Vijay’s detractors.
Now, the latest is that Vijay has interacted with Hyderabad City Police along with City’s Commissioner Anjani Kumar. This act hasn’t gone down well with many as negative comments poured in for this post shared by the Hyderabad City Police’s twitter handle.
In fact, for the past few days, Vijay is being targeted by anti-fans for his absence in the times of Covid-19. When he finally made his presence and seen thanking Hyderabad City police, it is also being projected in a bad light. If this is not enough, some critics of Vijay have also took class to Hyderabad City Police online. A netizen asked Hyd police that what is the need of depending on celebrity stating that police are real heroes and they don’t need reel heroes like Vijay. This is just one out of many such negative comments on Vijay.
In fact, trolling is not new to Vijay. Earlier on several occasions, Vijay was trolled. He also responded about his trolls openly. In fact, Vijay’s reply to a question on trolling is that if someone is taking their time off and putting a lot of effort in trolling oneself, it is evident that how much impact the one has created on them. Simply put, Vijay said trolling is result of impact.
However, the negative comments for Vijay’s interaction with City police and the recent campaign by antis against him indicate that this is something serious and Vijay needs to pay attention to it as it may cause severe damage in the long run. With his movies too receiving the heat, the trolling against him needs to be addressed and ensure he embrace fans of other actors too. Or else, Vijay may pay hefty price for it.