Apart from Vijay Deverakonda’s charming presence, Taxiwala teaser doesn’t offer much. There is a deliberate attempt to hold the suspense of the plot, but the teaser turns out clueless because of poor edit.
A teaser must either reveal the plot or intrigue its viewers and Taxiwala does none of these. The shots of a hanging man, a car in the rain, a masked protagonist and a dialogue suggest there is more to it. But not many can pay attention to those because of the blazing fast cuts.
What do make an impression in the teaser are the rock style background score and the revealing shot of the vintage car.
Taxiwala is produced by SKN and directed by Rahul Sankrityan. It is backed by UV Creations and GA2 Pictures, which is a bright sign as they are known for backing good concepts.
Perhaps the makers are too hesitant to reveal any details of the plot in teaser, but releasing such pointless teaser doesn’t add value to the product.