Malayalam actress Keerthy Suresh is doing the unthinkable by pairing alongside star heroes in very short time.Many top heroines wait for several years to get a chance to pair alongside stars like Vijay, Ajith, Suriya, etc. However, Keerthy Suresh, who is just a handful of films old, is making waves in Kollywood by pocketing the films of these stars. Keerthy is already acting alongside Vijay in his upcoming film ‘Engaveettupillai’.
As per latest reports, Keerthy has been roped in for the new film starring Suriya. ‘Komban’ fame Muthaiya will direct this village based action entertainer. This project will go on sets after Suriya wraps up ‘S3’.
Keerthy’s path to stardom is not achieved by over exposing and controversial scandals but her sheer talent and girl next door looks made her an instant choice to romance star heroes.