Ilayathalapathy Vijay is once again singing a song for his upcoming flick “Vijay 60” under the direction of Bharathan. This is not the first time for actor Vijay to sing a song. He had already rocked with his voice in several tracks like “Google Google” in ‘Thuppaki’, “Selfie Pulla” in ‘Kaththi’ etc., in the past.
As for the sources, hero Vijay has been approached to sing one of the songs in his upcoming film “Vijay 60” by music director Santhosh Narayanan and Vijay has given green signal to it. To be produced by B.Bharathi, the film stars Vijay and Keerthy Suresh in the lead while Sathish and Jagapathi Babu play supporting and antagonist roles respectively. Recently, the film team has completed its schedule in Hyderabad and now for the next schedule they went to Chennai.