Party leaders Bajireddy Govardhan and Bhumana Karunakar Reddy announced this here on Wednesday. They also released a poster of the program. They asked the students to turn up in large numbers for Vijayamma’s Deeksha for their sake. They said while late chief minister Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy introduced the Fees Reimbursement scheme, the Kiran Kumar Reddy government had given it a goby.
Bhumana said Jagan’s sister Sharmila’s ‘Maro Praja Prasthanam’ padayatra would exceed 3000km during the first week of August. He said it would be a golden chapter in the world political history. He said the tour was to touch the hearts of two-and-a-half crore people and not for records or rewards like the yatra of the TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu. He said Sharmila was going on with the Yatra to create confidence among the people.