Naidu appointed Kesineni Travels owner Kesineni Nani as the Vijayawada MP seat incharge as soon as he joined, at the invitation of hero Bala Krishna. Naidu immediately declared that Nani would contest to the Lok Sabha.
However Gadde Rama Mohan Rao, a senior leader is also aspiring for the seat. Admitting that money was essential to win an election, Gadde said money was not the ultimate in politics. He questioned if new entrants were to be considered because they could spend money, what about those who have been in the party since long and spending money. He said he would meet Naidu and get assurance on the MP seat.
Gadde Rama Mohan Rao won as MP from Vijayawada once and lost as MLA twice later. However Kesineni Nani is also keen on Vijayawada Lok Sabha ticket. Party sources say that Vijayawada heat is going to cause headache to Naidu.