The era of superstar Rajnikanth has almost come to an end. The entire focus is currently on the rivalry of Thalapathy Vijay and Thala Ajith in the Tamil film industry. Both these heroes who entered the industry at the same time are enjoying the peak forms of their careers respectively. They are smashing records on after the other.
We know what happens when you have two heroes with the same level of craze stardom. Their fans start locking horns with each other and this rivalry sometimes crosses the limited and ends up in physical attacks in some areas. The war is on a whole new level on social media with one fan base trolling another and clicking dislikes on other hero’s promotional content. It is better not to discuss their fights in the comments sections.
At this time, star hero Vijay recently made some interesting comments on his colleague Ajith. The audio launch of Vijay’s upcoming film ‘Master’ was held in Chennai on Sunday night and as usual, his fans went mad when their hero arrived on stage. He looked quite stylish in a complete black suit. When the anchor questioned about his suit, Vijay replied that he followed his good friend Ajith’s style of dressing this time.
This comment from Vijay is becoming a sensation. He called Ajith his ‘Nanban’ (friend) and it is trending on social media. This gesture from Vijay is getting laurels from every nook and corner and fans of Ajith who troll Vijay usually are also showering praises on him.