Vijayawada surroundings, which were designated as the new capital region of Andhra Pradesh, would start functioning from April 1, if Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has his way. Naidu on Thursday announced that his government would start functioning from the new capital region from April, even by erecting temporary sheds.
He reportedly opined that Hyderabad will remain the political capital of AP as they will be shifting to new capital sooner or later. Naidu was reacting to Telugu Desam senior leader and MLA Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdhary’s proposal of taking up governance through temporary sheds to stop criticism.
Naidu expressed similar opinion and attributed the delay to some problems on Capital, land pooling and related issues. “We don’t want to continue our administration here as Hyderabad will remain only a political capital. Actual capital will be from the place near Vijayawada,” Naidu reportedly opined.