Chiyaan Vikram’s upcoming film is Iru Mugan. Nayanthara and Nithya Menen played the female leads in the film. The film directed by Anand Shankar. The makers are very much happy and excited with the way the film was made. The film has Vikram playing dual roles. In one of the roles, he will be seen as a RAW agent and in the other role he will be seen as a Transgender. The transgender role has negative shades too. Vikram is highly confident that the film is going to be a big hit. He is following a sentiment now that if a hero plays both the protagonist and antagonist in the film, the film becomes a hit.
The same happened in the past with Vikram’s Aparichithudu. Also with Ajith’s Vaali, Rajinikanth’s Robo and Kamal Haasan’s Dasavatharam. The film is slated for a release in the month of September.