Vikram and Nayanthara starrer Inkokkadu is running into theaters worldwide, along with its Tamil version, on 8th September. Anand Shankar, who scored super hit with Arima Nambi in 2014, has directed this film. The sound track of Inkokadu, composed by Harris Jayraj, which is his sixth collaboration with Vikram.
Speaking at the audio function earlier this, lead star said, ‘the film unravels as many surprise elements as run time passes’. However, both Vikram and Anand shown interest to work again despite the result.
Inkokkadu, which is touted as the International spy thriller, has Vikram doing dual roles – both protagonist and antagonist. The actor is highly confident about the negative role Love, who does eccentric things in the film. It is set against the backdrop of Bangkok, Malaysia and India. The movie also stars Nithya Menon, Naazar and Thambi Ramaiah.
The international release of Inkokkadu is competing with its original version (Tamil) Iru Mugan in terms of number of screens, all thanks to Vikram’s previous blockbuster I.